Reviewer Guidelines

The article reviewer who is responsible for the article submitted in the area of expertise then provides to the author with constructive and truthful advice on the article submitted.

Please note the following items:

  • The article that you are reviewing must be relevant to your expertise area
  • State the due date of the review process
  • There are no conflicts of interest

Review Process
Please consider the following items during the process

  • Relevance (Appropriateness of article topics covered by the journal)
  • Contributions (The quality of the article in terms of ideas of authenticity, novelty, and uniqueness)
  • Article Organization (Language used, clarity of article’s content, and ease of understanding by the readers)


Is the title relevant, concise, and clearly explaining the contents of the article?

ABSTRACT (Acceptable in two languages: English and Bahasa)

  • Does it attract attention and encourage the reader to take the time and read the full paper?
  • Does the brief, clear and complete abstract include the description of the purpose and scope, method of implementation, results, and conclusions?


  • Does it explain the issues, challenges or needs of the community (partners) and the objectives of community service?
  • Have you identified the contribution that will be made?


  • Has it explained the stages or measures that have been offered?
  • Have you outlined the strategies to overcome community problems (partners)?


  • Is the presentation of results and sharpness of analysis (can be accompanied by tables and figures to facilitate understanding)
  • Is there a connection between the results obtained and the basic concepts?
  • Does this study describe the implementation of the results, both theoretical and its applied?


  • Does it answer/ explain the problems?
  • Does it explain the achievements of the activity?
  • Does it explain how activities are better to be followed up / follow-up plans?


  • What are the procedures for writing and referencing/quoting on the manuscript (all references must be referred)?
  • References consistency and completeness?
  • Does it meet the quality and reliability of literature?

Once you are willing to do a review, you can download article files and additional information. You can fill out a review form or comment or upload a file for editors and / or authors about the results of your review. You are expected to provide recommendations regarding the quality of articles with the following options:

  • The manuscripts can be accepted without revision
  • The manuscripts can be accepted with minor revisions (checked by editors)
  • The manuscripts can be accepted with major revisions and require modification as suggested
  • The manuscript cannot be accepted (rejected)

Approximately, the review must be completed in 2 weeks. Please be informed to the Editor ( for additional time of review.