EU behavioral dualism in palm oil discrimination dispute with Indonesia: Environmental commitment or protectionism


  • Astri Nanin Hidayaturrohmah University of Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Havidz Ageng Prakoso University of Muhammadiyah Malang


European Union, Palm Oil, Nickel, Inconsistency


The European Union's move to issue the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II policy is considered a discriminatory decision because it includes the elimination of palm-oil commodities which are claimed as triggers of deforestation. In response to this, Indonesia, one of the major palm-oil producing countries, has filed an official lawsuit to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for alleged discrimination against palm-oil by the European Union. In addition to inviting a strong response from palm-oil-producing countries, this EU policy has also sparked controversy over the EU's discriminatory behavior, whether it is motivated by environmental commitments or just protectionism for local EU vegetable oils. This is based on several behaviors of the European Union that are considered not in line with environmental commitments which in this study will be examined through the concept of Strategic Inconsistency in Contested Multilateralism by Faude & Parizek (2021). The results of the study show, from the issue of developing local European vegetable oils to the nickel issue involving Indonesia, the behavior of the European Union has shown a number of inconsistencies with its environmental commitments.

Author Biographies

Astri Nanin Hidayaturrohmah, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

Havidz Ageng Prakoso, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Hidayaturrohmah, A. N., & Prakoso, H. A. (2022). EU behavioral dualism in palm oil discrimination dispute with Indonesia: Environmental commitment or protectionism. Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik (JISoP), 4(2), 158–171. Retrieved from