Pengaruh Metode dan Dosis Aplikasi Vermikompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Miil) Hidroganik


  • Ahmad Filardi
  • D Djuhari
  • N Nurhidayati



Tomato, Soilless Culture, Vermicompost, Growth, Yield


The soilless culture system now developed rapidly in line with the decrease of the area of
productive farmland as well as to meet healthy food needs and nutritious high. This
research developed a soilles culture by using vermicompost organic fertilizers.This study
aimed to test influence of application methods and doses vermicompost on the growth
and yield of tomato grown in hidroganic system. This experiment used a Factorial
Randomized Block Design. The first factor : application methods of vermicompost
consisting of three levels namely M1 = solid vermicompost, M2 = combination of solid and
liquid vermicompost, M3 = liquid vermicompost. The second factor : doses of
vermicompost consisting of five levels namely V1 = 150 grams, V2 = 300 grams , V3 = 450
grams , V4 = 600 grams and V5 = 750 grams per polibag, plus control treatment using
inorganic fertilizer. The research results showed that interaction between application
methods and vermicompost doses had a significant effect on the growth and yield of
tomato plants. The best combination of treatment was solid vermicompost at a dose of
600 g/polybag gave a growth of plant height of 78.50 cm, leaf number of 205.33, leaf area of 4516.75 cm2 and flower number 24.78. This treatment had the best yield parameters
by the fruit number of 24,33, fruit set of 98,20% and total weight of fruit 447,22 g/plant.
Based on the regresion analysis showed that the optimum dose of vermicompost for solid
vermicompost was 709.50 g/plant and the maximum yield was 494.70 g/plant. This result
suggests that the solid vermicompost application can be recommended for hidroganic
culture of tomato.


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How to Cite

Filardi, A., Djuhari, D. and Nurhidayati, N. (2021) “Pengaruh Metode dan Dosis Aplikasi Vermikompos Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Miil) Hidroganik”, Folium : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 5(1), pp. 1–13. doi: 10.33474/folium.v5i1.10357.