Pengaruh Lama Penyinaran Lampu Led Merah, Biru, Kuning Terhadap Pertumbuhan Microgreen Kangkung (Ipomoea reptant)


  • Lizda As’adiya
  • Indiyah Murwani



Microgreen, Kangkung, Red, Blue, Yellow, LED lights


Microgreens are vegetables that can be harvested about 7-14 days after germination
which has a higher nutrient and vitamin content than commonly grown vegetables. This
study aims to determine the interaction between the type of light and the duration of
lighting and the effect of the types of red, blue, yellow LEDs and red, blue, yellow LED
lighting on the growth of kangkung microgreen. This research is a box experiment using a
Split Plot Experiment Design with 9 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that
there was an interaction between the type of lamp and the duration of lighting to the
growth of kangkung microgreen. The combination of C3T1 treatment (Yellow LED + 6
hours) produced the highest plant length, namely 6.47 cm at 7 DAS, the number of leaves
was 2.00 for all treatments. The different types of lamps in kangkung microgreen had a
significant effect on growth, where the blue LED light produced the highest number of
leaves, namely 2.00 leaves at 14 DAS. The highest fresh weight per box was 18.36 g. While the Yellow LED produced the highest plant length of 9.42 cm at 14 DAS, the highest
number of leaves was 2.00 pieces 14 DAS, the highest root length was 7.22 cm, the
highest dry weight per box was 1.03 g. The difference in lighting time on
kangkung microgreen has a significant effect on the growth, where the 6 hours lighting
duration produces the highest root length, namely 7.96 cm, the highest fresh weight per
box is 23.17 g, the highest dry weight per box is 1.87 g. The length of 12 hours of lighting
resulted in the highest plant length, namely 10.41 cm at 14 DAS, the highest number of
leaves was 2.00 leaf blade. Based on the results of this study it can be recommended that
the cultivation of kangkung microgreen in the box experiment can be using lighting for 6
hours and pay attention to the microelements that affect the microgreen for better growth.



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How to Cite

As’adiya, L. and Murwani, I. (2021) “Pengaruh Lama Penyinaran Lampu Led Merah, Biru, Kuning Terhadap Pertumbuhan Microgreen Kangkung (Ipomoea reptant)”, Folium : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian, 5(1), pp. 14–25. doi: 10.33474/folium.v5i1.10358.