
  • Mutiara Sari Dewi Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam Malang



This study aims to analyze: 1) the learning conditions of dance during the Covid 19 pandemic; and 2) media, learning methods, and learning resources used in learning dance for prospective Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers during the pandemic Covid 19. Learning dance for prospective Madarasah Ibtidaiyah teachers was chosen as the theme and / or part of the research variable based on the consideration that it has complex problems during the Covid Pandemic period 19. This research is a mixed method research with sequential exploratory research type. The research subjects consisted of 34 prospective Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers who were taking dance education courses at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program, Islamic University of Malang. Data collection techniques are done through indirect interviews (personal chat, email, and Google form) and documentation (video dance assignments). The results showed that: 1) the learning conditions before and during the Covid 19 pandemic were very different. In fact 85% of prospective teachers state that learning dance is more comfortable to be carried out before the Covid pandemic 19. Only 31% of prospective teachers feel the effectiveness of dance learning. 2) Online learning media (tools) in the form of whatsapp applications, a combination of question and answer methods, discussions, lectures and hands-on practice, and YouTube as a reference source chosen and declared effective in learning dance during the Covid 19 pandemic.


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