Peer Review Process
All submissions can be made using the online journal system or sent via email directly to the editorial team. Every submitted manuscript will be checked by the editor. Manuscripts that do not match to the journal criteria are rejected without review. Manuscripts that match with the criteria of the journal will first be checked for plagiarism. If the standard of the similarity level of words/Similarity Index meets the specified standards, the script will be processed to peer review . Each article will be reviewed by one (1) or two (2) different reviewers. If the manuscript is required for revision it will be returned to the author. Editors make decisions based on the reviewers’ recommendations. The editor has full authority to make any decisions after receiving reviews and recommendations from reviewers as follows:
Manuscript can be accepted without change
Manuscript can be accepted under minor revisions (editors will check)
The manuscript can be accepted under major revisions with the necessarily changes recommended by the reviewer/appraiser
Manuscript is rejected