Understanding online shopping adoption: The unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology with perceived risk in millennial consumers context
UTAUT 2, Perceived Risk, Online Shopping, Adoption, Behavioral Intention, Use BehaviorAbstract
Online shopping is growing so rapidly and has attracted millennials in various way. Unfortunately, the discussion regarding the adoption of online shopping in millennial consumers’ context with perceived risk application was still limited. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of performance expectancy, expectation efforts, social influence, facilitation conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, habits, and perceived risks on behavioral intentions and use behavior. This study also discusses the effect of perceived risks on financial risk, performance risk, and privacy risk. This study can be classified as explanatory research with purposive sampling and partial least square as sampling techniques and data analysis. This study was designed to focus on individuals who can be classified as an online shopper with a range of age of 18-35 years old. The results show that the millennial generation is influenced by the social environment and habits in shaping their behavioral intention. Millennial consumers are also proving very concerned about their perceived risk of financial, performance, and privacy issues when doing online shopping. Interestingly, six of the factors studied (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and perceived risk) do not have any influence on the intention to use online commerce technology.References
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