Korban tindak pidana umumnya menderita kerugian materiil dan /atau immaterial. Perlindungan terhadap hak-hak korban atau pihak ketiga yang menderita kerugian materiil dan atau immateriil selama ini dapat di ajukan gugatan ganti kerugian dalam perkara perdata biasa yang membutuhkan waktu dan biaya cukup banyak. Namun adanya UU No. 8 Tahun 1981 Tentang KUHAP, korban tindak pidana yang menderita kerugian dapat mengajukan penggabungan gugatan ganti kerugian bersama proses perkara pidananya Terdakwa sebagaimana dimaksud pasal 98,99,100 dn 101 KUHAP. Hanya saja ganti kerugian yang dapat di gugat bersama proses perkara pidananya terdakwa terbatas ganti kerugian bersifat materiil saja, KUHAP tidak menjelaskan tindak pidana tersebut dalam pasal berapa yang menimbulkan kerugian materiil yang dapat di ajukan gugatan ganti kerugian bersama proses pidananya terdakwa, termasuk bagaimana prosedur dan acaranya menurut KUHAP.
Di dalam pembahan selanjutnya peneliti menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normative, yaitu penelitian hukum untuk membahas suatu norma hukum dalam hal penggabungan perkara gugatan ganti kerugian bersama proses perkara pidana dalam praktek peradilan. Sedangkan sumber data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder.
Terjadinya penggabungan gugatan ganti kerugian diproses bersama perkara pidananya terdakwa, di dahulu adanya tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh Terdakwa yang sedang di periksa di muka hakim, telah menimbulkan kerugian bagi korban atau pihak ketiga sebagaimana tersebut pada pasal 98 ayat (1) KUHAP. Kemudian Korban atau pihak ketiga yang di rugikan mengajukan gugatan. Gugatan di ajukan langsung ke majelis hakim yang sedang memeriksa perkara pidananya terdakwa, menurut pasal 101 KUHAP, gugatan di ajukan sebelum penuntut umum menyampaikan tuntutan (reqoisitoir) atau sebelum hakim membacakan putusan. Jadi nomor perkaranya menjadi satu dengan perkara pidananya, termasuk putusannya menjadi satu dengan putusan pidananya.
Dalam pasal 99 KUHAP menjelaskan bahwa ganti kerugian yang dapat dituntut melalui penggabungan gugatan ganti kerugian bersama proses perkara pidananya trdakwa adalah kerugian yang berupa biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh korban atau pihak ketiga sebagai akibat tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh terdakwa yang sedang diperiksa, yang disebut kerugian materiil. Di dalam praktek peradilan, Misalnya tindak pidana tersebut pasal 351 KUHP tentang penganiayaan menimbulkan korban luka pada lengannya yang membutuhkan pengobatan. Biaya pengobatan inilah merupakan Kerugian materiil yang dapat di gugat melalui penggabungan perkara.
Demikian pula dalam praktek perdilan, tindak pidana tersebut pasal 362 KUHP tentang Pencurian, 372 KUHP tentang Penggelapan, meskipun korban menderita kerugian materiil, di sini masuk kategori kerugian berkurangnya harta, bukan termasuk kategori biaya-biaya yang telah dikeluarkan menurut pasal 99 KUHAP, karena itu tidak dapat di ajukan gugatan mengikuti ketentuan pasal 98 KUHAP tentang penggabungan perkara gugatan ganti kerugian di proses bersama perkara pidana.
Kata Kunci: Penggabungan, Gugatan ganti kerugian, bersama proses pidana.
Victims of criminal acts generally suffer material and/or immaterial losses. Protection of the rights of victims or third parties who have suffered material and or immaterial losses so far can be filed for compensation in ordinary civil cases which require quite a lot of time and money. However, with the existence of Law no. 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code, victims of criminal acts who suffer losses can submit a joint claim for compensation with the defendant's criminal case process as referred to in articles 98, 99, 100, and 101 of the Criminal Procedure Code. It's just that the compensation that can be sued together with the criminal case process for the defendant is limited to material compensation, the Criminal Procedure Code does not explain in what article the criminal act which causes material damage that can be filed for compensation along with the defendant's criminal process, including how the procedure and procedure according to the Criminal Procedure Code.
In the discussion that follows, the researcher uses a normative juridical approach, namely legal research to discuss a legal norm in terms of combining cases of claims for compensation with the process of criminal cases in judicial practice. While the data source used is secondary data.
The occurrence of a merger of claims for compensation being processed together with the criminal case of the defendant, preceded by a criminal act committed by the Defendant who is being examined before a judge, has caused harm to the victim or a third party as referred to in Article 98 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code. Then the victim or third party who was harmed filed a lawsuit. The lawsuit is submitted directly to the panel of judges who are examining the defendant's criminal case, according to Article 101 of the Criminal Procedure Code, lawsuits are filed before the public prosecutor submits his charges (reqoisitoir) or before the judge reads out the verdict. So the case number becomes one with the criminal case, including the decision becomes one with the criminal decision.
Article 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code explains that compensation that can be demanded through combining a claim for compensation with the defendant's criminal case process is a loss in the form of costs incurred by the victim or a third party as a result of a crime committed by the defendant who is being examined, which is called a loss. material. In judicial practice, for example, the crime referred to in Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning maltreatment resulted in the victim getting an injury to his arm that required treatment. This medical expense is a material loss that can be sued through a merger of cases.
Likewise in judicial practice, the crime referred to in Article 362 of the Criminal Code on Theft, 372 of the Criminal Code on Embezzlement, even though the victim suffers material losses, here it is included in the category of loss of reduced assets, not included in the category of expenses that have been incurred according to Article 99 of the Criminal Procedure Code because it is not a lawsuit can be filed following the provisions of Article 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code concerning the combination of cases for compensation claims to be processed together with criminal cases.
Keywords: Merger, the lawsuit for compensation, the criminal process of the defendant
Jurnal Negara dan Keadilan yang diterbitkan oleh Magister Ilmu Hukum Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Malang menerapkan ketentuan Hak Cipta dan Lisensi dibawah Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi 4.0 Internasional.