
  • Yola Waqingatul Hidayah Universitas Jember


Keywords: Social Media, Ethics, Law Enforcement.


Along with the development of advances in technology and information, the existence of social
media has had positive and negative impacts on its users. In the modern era where everyone uses
social media, an unlawful act is likely to quickly go viral. Internet users can easily follow case
developments, provide support to victims and their families, or even gather support from netizens
to oversee justice. Monitoring cases by internet users can put pressure on authorities to take
appropriate action to uphold justice. The function and role of social media in law enforcement in
Indonesia is to act as social control, namely by providing criticism, correction, supervision and
suggestions, as well as encouraging the realization of the supremacy of the law, so that the
positive impact of this function is that law enforcers will be able to optimize the implementation
of handling unlawful acts. in accordance with statutory regulations.



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Wahidin, Samsul, 2006, Hukum Pers, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Referensi Jurnal

Astajaya, I Ketut Manik, 2020, “Etika Komunikasi Di Media Sosial”, Jurnal Widya Duta, Vol 15

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Parwitasari, Tika Andarasni., Supanto, Ismunarno, Budyatmojo, Winarno., Sulistyanta, 2022,

“Kesadaran Hukum Dan Etika Dalam Menggunakan Media Sosial”, Jurnal Gema

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Pratiwi, Endang., Negoro, Theo., Haykal, Hassanain., 2022, “Teori Utilitarianisme Jeremy

Bentham: Tujuan Hukum atau Metode Pengujian Produk Hukum?”, Jurnal Konstitusi,

Vol 19 No 2, Edisi: Juni

Pratiwi, Vega Lidya, 2023, “Peran Sosiologi Hukum Pada Penegakan Hukum Pelaku Ujaran

Kebencian Di Media Sosial: Sebuah Literature Review”, Jurnal Akselerasi, Vol 5 No 1

Saptaningrum, Lathifah Azhar, 2022, “The Application of Restorative Justice Against the

Protection of Children in Conflict with the Law From the Viewpoint of Utilitarianism

Theory”, Jurnal Voice Justicia, Vol 6, No 2, Edisi September

Referensi Lainnya

Pasal 27 – Pasal 29 Undang-Undang nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi


Pasal 45B Undang-Undang nomor 19 tahun 2016 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang

Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik

Wibowo, SH., M.Kn, Agung, 2003, “Peran Media Sosial dalam Penegakan Hukum di Indonesia

(Fenomena Flexing mencabut Tahta Pejabat)”, https://ilmusyariahdoktoral.uinsuka.ac.id/id/kolom/detail/682/peran-media-sosial-dalam-penegakan-hukum-diindonesia




