Reviewer Guidelines

The reviewers are responsible for evaluating the submitted articles in the area of expertise, and then giving constructive suggestion to the authors. Reviewers must consider the following notes:

  1. Do the reviewed articles fit their expertise? If they do not fit the area of expertise, reviewere are allowed to confirm the editorial team.
  2. Do reviewers have time to review articles? The review process must be completed within 2 weeks or they are able to request for the extension of time.
  3. Reviewers can contact the editors for any conflict of interest with the articles.
  4. Reviewers can contact the editors for any indication of plagiarism.


  1. The relevance between the topic of articles and the scope of journal.
  2. The contribution of articles regarding the authenticity, renewal and uniqueness.
  3. The organization of the articles with regard to language used, clarity of content, and easy to understand.



Is the title appropriate, concise, and clearly describes the content of articles?


  1. Does it attract the attention and encourage the reader to read the full article?
  2. Does the brief, clear and complete abstract explain the contents of the entire article?
  3. Abstract must be written in Indonesian and English.


  1. Does it describe the problem, scope, and purpose clearly?
  2. Does it describe the novelty / contribution of your paper?

Does it consist of the relevant approaches, theories, or concepts as a basis for analysis?


  1. Does it describe the procedures of research clearly?
  2. Does it describe the method used to solve the problem?


  1. Has the presentation of results and analysis been completed by tables and figures?
  2. Is there correlation between the results and the concept of theory?
  3. Do results and discussion describe its implementation, both of theory and practice?


  1. Does it contain the recommendation and summary of research?
  2. Do the recommendations correlate with the study being conducted?
  3. Does the summary reflect the answer of research problem?


  1. Are the references cited in the articles using the American Psychological Association (APA) style?
  2. Are the references published in the last 10 years?

After the reviewers are willing to do a review, they can download the articles and supplementary files, fill out a review form, and upload it for editors and authors. Then, they are expected to provide recommendations regarding the quality of articles with the following options:

  • Manuscript can be accepted without changes
  • Manuscript can be accepted with minor revisions
  • Manuscript can be accepted with major revisions with the necessary changes as recommendations
  • Manuscript is rejected

The review must be completed within 2 weeks. If the extension of time is needed, please inform the editorial team or contact on