Design Multicultural Islamic Religious Education Curriculum Elementary School


  • Siti Fatimah Islamic University of Malang
  • Sri Wahyuni Universitas Islam Malang



Curriculum, education, Multicultural


Multicultural education is required to foster harmony and the beauty of coexistence among people from various cultures, social backgrounds, languages, ethnicities, languages, groups, and so on. As a result, it must be nurtured through the creation of a multicultural education curriculum. Communities must be educated with multicultural insight so that diversity becomes a unifying nation, and awareness of multicultural values is introduced into educational institutions through educational policies. This study applied a qualitative approach centered on library research. According to the findings of this study, the textbooks on Islamic Religious Education and Elementary School Characteristics for the third grade were still general and did not specifically describe the value of multicultural education. Even though the Islamic Religious Education and Characteristics of Elementary School for the third-grade textbook did not yet include multiculturalism education, it is expected that it can be loaded in other lessons to prevent radicalism and that it can be concluded that in Islamic religious education material, a curriculum with a multicultural paradigm can be developed by combining other. a. Al-Qur’an material, which helps to understand and instill attitudes when interacting with people of different religions. b. The concept of nationality can be used to extend on how the Prophet Muhammad led the multi-ethnic and multi-religious Medina community. c. The laying of the national foundation is the moral material. d. The date material can be exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad’s process of building Medina, where there was recognition and appreciation for the values of plurality and tolerance.


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