The Urgency Establishing a Sharia Land Bank To Accelerate Agrarian Reform
Establishing, Sharia Land Bank, Agrarian ReformAbstract
Researchers believe that the existence of a Sharia Land Bank in Indonesia which is based on the concepts of al-ilah and al-musawah can accelerate agrarian reform in Indonesia. To ensure this, the researcher presented this research using standard methodological articles in scientific research that are commonly used. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach related to the Land Bank, Agrarian Reform, and the experience of the concepts of al-ilah and al-musawah in the Sharia Land Bank which was initiated by the researcher. The data used in this research is secondary data that researchers obtained from scientific articles, books, statutory regulations, news from credible websites, and other sources that are usually used in every research and are certainly related to Land Banks, Agrarian Reform, and values in Islamic law such as Al-Adalah and Al-Musawah. The data that the researcher managed to obtain was analyzed using the stages of data collection, data selection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result in this article show first, The Land Bank functions to collect land, manage land, manage land and provide land to overcome inequality in land ownership and accelerate agrarian reform. The existence of a Land Bank which has an unclear concept and researchers believe could make the Land Bank a weakness in its implementation. Second, The presence of the Sharia Land Bank concept which is a refinement of the Conventional Land Bank concept by upholding the values of al-adadlah (justice) and al-musawah (equality) can be a guide for Land Bank employees, Land Bank Officials and Government officials others in implementing the concepts offered by not distinguishing between one group and another, being honest, and so on which can accelerate agrarian reform.
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