Legal Protection For Cryptocurrency Investors In Trading Cryptocurrencies As Crypto Assets According To Civil Law In Indonesia


  • Abdul Rokhim Universitas Islam Malang
  • Sunardi Sunardi Universitas Islam Malang
  • Muhammad Resky Rakhim Master of Notarial Universitas Islam Malang



Legal Protection, Crypto Asset, Investor, Currency


Crypto is a non-wuud commodity that is digital using cryptography. The legality of crypto assets in Indonesia has not received firm regulation in their use, and there is a need for a supervisory body that regulates all transaction activities for legal protection for investors in trading digital assets. The research method used in this study is to use normative juridical research methods, using a statutory approach (statute approach) and a conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The result of the discussion of this study is that for the legality of crypto assets, Bank Indonesia places them as digital money so that they are prohibited as a means of payment, while the Ministry of Trade places them as digital assets so that they are allowed to be traded on the Futures Exchange. Normatively, there is still opposition in looking at crypto money. Legal protection of investors who make crypto asset buying and selling transactions get legal protection for losses that can be caused both criminally, namely losses caused by cyber crime and civil losses due to Unlawful Actions.


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