
  • Moh Masduki INSURI Ponorogo




This research aims to find: 1) the values of tolerance based on multicultural Islamic education found in the Klepu village community, 2) the process of enculturating the value of tolerance based on multicultural Islamic education in the Muslim community of Klepu village, 3) the value enculturation model tolerance based on multicultural Islamic education in a plural society.This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of ethnography, field data collection using observation, interviews, and documentation. The process of analyzing the data that has been collected uses qualitative data analysis developed by Spradley involving four main stages, namely domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis and discovery of cultural themes.The results of this study found the following: 1) the people of Klepu Village, which consists of two religious groups, live in a climate of tolerance between religious adherents based on five values of tolerance, namely; the value of compassion, the value of freedom to embrace religion, the value of politeness in preaching, the value of respect for other people, and the value of knowing each other in the midst of diversity. 2) The process of enculturation or inheritance of tolerance values based on multicultural Islamic education in the Klepu village community goes through several stages; The first stage is the stage, namely; knowledge, behavior, and identity. 3) This tolerance value enculturation model is composed of several variables, including: a) the enculturated values include; affection, freedom to embrace religion, courtesy in da'wah, respect, the value of getting to know each other, the value of balance, b) Institutions that are places for enculturation; From the results of the analysis, it is found that existing institutions that serve as vehicles for enculturation of tolerance values are in the form of non-formal institutions such as: mosques, residents' houses, and social activities, and will also be stronger if accompanied by processes carried out in formal institutions. c) Educational actors; actors who support the process of enculturating the value of tolerance consist of: Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, Rulers (Village Heads, Village Apparatuses) d) Teaching methods; methods in the learning process of the value of tolerance are several methods, namely: lectures, practices, and examples

Keywords: enculturation, the value of tolerance, multicultural education, plural society


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