
  • Ice Ratna Kumala Magister Manajemen, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Malang




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh 4P dan kuualitas layanan terhadap kinerja melalui motivasi membei Agen Perusahaan terhadap kinerja PT. Eratama Putra Mandiri Banyuwangi. Analisis data menggunakan SEM Structural Sqution Model) Dan program PLS GSCA. Populasi  penelitian ini berjumlah 130 Agen dan sampel yang diambil 60 Age dengan metode  Convenience sampling. Hasil penelitiian menunjukkan bahwa : Dari persamaan struktural dapat diketahui hubungan konstruk laten eksogen terhadap konstruk laten endogen. terlihat bahwa variabel Kinerja (Y)lebih dominan dipengaruhi oleh variabel latent Motivation (X3) yaitu dengan nilai pengaruh tertinggi sebesar 0,587adalah 58.7 %. Sedangkan Motivation (X3) ternyata lebih dominan dipengaruhi oleh variabel Service Quality (X2), dimana indikator (variabel manifest) yang paling baik dalam membentuk variabel Service Quality (X2) adalah X2.5 (Empaty) dengan loading faktor tertinggi sebesar 0,893adalah 89,3 % . Dengan demikian apabila pihak manajemen ingin meninggikan nilai variabel Service Quality (X2) maka rekomendasi secara statistik mengenai indikator perlu diprioritaskan untuk diperbaiki adalah indikator X2.5 (Empaty)

Kata Kunci: Kualitas Layanan, Motivasi membeli, Kinerja Pemasaran



This study aims to analyze the influence of 4P and the quality of service to performance through buying motivation Agent Company to the performance of PT. Eratama Putra Mandiri Banyuwangi. Data analysis using SEM Structural Equation  Model) and GSCA PLS program The population of this study amounted to 130 Agents and samples taken 60 Agen by the method. Marketing Mix Analysis and quality of service to  motivation to buy Consument to buy Fish Products in PT Eratama Putra Mandiri. Continuity of a company can be influenced by the marketing strategy and quality of service performed by the company given to influence the motivation of consumers to buy. This study aims to determine the effect of 4P marketing and service quality that has been done by the company PT. Eratama Putra Mandiri in affecting Motivation buy products by customers to buy Seafood Product. The results showed that: Equations we can know the relationship of exogenous latent constructs to endogenous latent constructs. it can be seen that performance variable (Y) is more dominant influenced by latent motivation variable (X3) that is with highest value of influence equal to 0,587 is 58,7 %. While Motivation (X3) is more dominantly influenced by Service Quality (X2) variable, where the best indicator (variable manifest) in establishing Service Quality (X2) variable is X2.5 (Empathy) with loading factor highest is 0.893 is 89%. Thus if the management wants to raise the value of Service Quality (X2) variable then the statistical recommendation of the indicators should be prioritized for improvement is the indicator X2.5 (Empathy)

Keywords: Marketing Mix 4P, Service Quality, Buying Motivation


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