Peer Review Process
Every manuscript is evaluated based on the following criteria:
The originality of its contribution to the field of scientific publishing, the methodological and theoretical rigor in relation to the topic, coherence of analysis, and adherence to proper grammar and writing standards.
Each manuscript submitted by the author undergoes a peer review process (double-blind review). A minimum of two reviewers will assess the article. For an article to be accepted, it must receive positive recommendations from at least two reviewers and approval from the editor.
Reviewers are selected based on the principle that they have authored or co-authored at least three articles in recognized national or international scientific journals.
Upon submission, the section editor will first evaluate the paper to ensure it aligns with the scope of Infotron. If it does not, the paper will be returned and rejected. If it does not conform to Infotron's formatting guidelines, it will be returned to the author for revision. Once the paper meets these guidelines, it will be assigned to reviewers.
The review process follows a double-blind method, with at least two reviewers selected by the section editor. If the reviewers have conflicting opinions, an additional reviewer will be appointed to make the final decision on whether the article is accepted or rejected.