pilgrimage, sacred, emile durkheim, sheikh al-badawi, graveAbstract
The pilgrimage to the grave is a tradition that has been rooted for generations passed down from the ancestors of the Muslim archipelago. In the tradition of the people of Dukuhtengah, Brebes there is a tradition of pilgrimage to the graves of local clerics which is usually held on Friday night Kliwon. The grave visited is the grave of a pious person and is known as a Wali named Sheikh Al-Badawi. The researcher uses Emile Durkheim's theory of sacredness (sacred). This grave is considered sacred by many people, because Sheikh Al-Badawi is considered to have karomah. The result of this study indicate that the tradition of pilgrimage to the grave of Sheikh Al-Badawi with all its ubarampe indicates sacred behavior carried out by pilgrims to the grave, besides that this tradition has legitimacy from the authority of the local ulama, of course, in order to strengthen and preserve the tradition of visiting the graves in Ketanggungan, Brebes.
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