Examining students’ perceptions of Podcasts as authentic materials for self-access listening practice


  • Thai Bao Ngoc Cao International University - Vietnam National University HCMC
  • Diem Bich Huyen Bui International University - Vietnam National University HCMC




English linguistics students’ perceptions, listening skills, mixed methods, Podcasts


The development of listening skills has long been a topic of interest in the field of language teaching and learning. In recent years, there has been a growing trend in utilizing Podcasts as a means of language acquisition, particularly for enhancing listening skills. This approach has gained significant popularity due to the various advantages it offers. However, there is a considerable lack of related research in the context of Vietnam, particularly in university-level academic listening classes. This study addresses this gap by investigating the perceptions of 118 intermediate English linguistics students at International University, Vietnam National University HCMC, regarding the use of Podcasts to enhance their listening skills beyond the classrooms. Data collection was conducted using a mixed-methods approach, which involved the use of an online survey questionnaire as well as interviews conducted through the Zoom application. A total of 118 intermediate English linguistics students were involved in the survey questionnaire, whereas the interviews were conducted with a smaller sample size of eight students. Results showed positive perceptions regarding the usefulness of Podcasts in post-classroom listening practice. The participants reported that Podcasts were valuable for improving their ability to understand spoken language, providing an enjoyable and entertaining experience, and offering flexibility beyond traditional classroom settings. This study indicates the potential of Podcasts as effective tools for improving English listening skills and, therefore, highlights the need for teachers to consider integrating Podcasts as a resource for teaching and learning listening skills beyond the classroom.

Author Biography

Thai Bao Ngoc Cao, International University - Vietnam National University HCMC

Thai Bao Ngoc Cao is an English Linguistics major at International University, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City. Her research interests include methods in language teaching and technology enhances language learning.


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The percentage of students’ perception toward the PU of Podcasts




How to Cite

Cao, T. B. N., & Bui, D. B. H. (2023). Examining students’ perceptions of Podcasts as authentic materials for self-access listening practice. Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL), 5(1), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.33474/j-reall.v5i1.20725