The effectiveness of using metacognitive strategy to teach online reading comprehension for English Young Learners


  • Nur Jamilah University of Islam Malang



online reading comprehension, descriptive texts, metacognitive strategy


This research aims to identify the effectiveness of using metacognitive strategy in teaching online descriptive text. Fifty students of the second year at MA Al-Istiqomah, Mojokerto were involved in this study. This research is One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Students' reading achievement based on the minimum passing score and field notes were the instruments to get the data. The present study results in the implementation of metacognitive strategy improved the students' skill in reading online descriptive text especially in ascertaining main idea, supporting idea and topic sentence. This showed the significant improvement of the students' reading comprehension skills of an online descriptive text when implementing metacognitive strategy on their learning process. The finding of the present study is expected to be applicable in the online based class during this pandemic Covid -19.

Author Biography

Nur Jamilah, University of Islam Malang




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How to Cite

Jamilah, N. (2021). The effectiveness of using metacognitive strategy to teach online reading comprehension for English Young Learners. Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL), 2(1), 61–67.