Reviewers Guidelines


Does the paper relate to a cohesive argument? Are the ideas clearly presented?


Does the title characterize the manuscript? Is the writing concise and easy to follow?


What portions of the paper should be expanded? Removed? Condensed? Summarized? Combined?


Does the title concise, omitting terms that are implicit and, where possible, be a statement of the main result or conclusion presented in the manuscript? Abbreviations should be avoided within the title.


Does the abstract consist of 1) aim of the study; 2) method; 3) result or finding and research impact ?


Clearly describing and respectively:

  • The background of the study;
  • State of the art, relevant research to justify the novelty of the manuscript;
  • Gap analysis, novelty statement;
  • Hypothesis or problem statement (optional);
  • Approach to resolve the problem; and
  • The aim of the study.


  • The method is written clearly, so then other researchers can replicate the experiment or research with the same result;
  • Not only describe the definition of terms but also describe how to conduct the research;
  • Describe the location, participant, research instrument, and data analysis;

Result and discussion

  • The data presented has been processed (not raw data) into a table or figure and given a supportive description which easy to follow.
  • The result related to the original questions or objectives outlined in the Introduction section.
  • The author describes the result of the study consistent with what other investigators have reported or there any differences.
  • The author provides interpretation scientifically for each of the results or findings presented.
  • The author describes the implications of the research.
  • The author describes the limitations of the research or drawbacks to the method or position.
  • The author describes further needs/areas for research or expansion of ideas.


Consist of:

  • Answer the objectives of the research;
  • Implication or recommendation (optional);
  • Written in a paragraph, not in bullet/numbering

Final Review

  • All results of the review submitted by reviewers are confidential
  • If you want to discuss the article with a colleague, kindly inform the editor
  • Do not contact the author directly.
  • Ethical issues:

- Plagiarism: if you suspect the article is mostly plagiarism from other authors, please let the editor knows the details
- Fraud: It is tough to detect a fraud category, but if you suspect the results in the article are not accurate, please inform the editor

Complete "The Review" by the due date to the editorial office. Your recommendation for the article will be considered when the editor makes a final decision, and your honest feedback is highly appreciated.

When you write a comment, please show the part of the comment that is only intended for the editor and features that can be returned to the author.

Please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office with any questions or problems that you may encounter.