
  • Tri Tjahjo Poernomo Program Studi FEB Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya





            Artikel penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kedekatan hubungan multivariat kepercayaan merek (dimensi viabilitas & dimensi intensionalitas) dengan niat beli. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 60 partisipan pengkonsumsi minuman green tea di desa menganti, melalui pendekatan judgement sample (Cooper & Emory, 2013). Model hottelings memiliki kontribusi dominan terhadap koefisien korelasi r multivariat antara dua model lainnya yaitu (55,49%), (124,7%), (44,50%). Dijelaskan bahwa parameter dimensi intensionalitas (x2) memiliki koefisien korelasi r multivariat dominan (13,4%), dibandingkan dengan parameter dimensi viabilitas (x1) yang memiliki koefisien korelasi r multivariat (1%), hal ini didukung oleh analisis eigenvalues yang menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang cukup kuat antara parameter observasi brand trust dengan parameter observasi niat beli (74.4%). Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian Fang, Chiu & Wang, (2011) yang mengungkapkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara kepercayaan merek dengan niat membeli kembali. Penelitian H1 dan H2 dapat diterima secara empiris.

Kata Kunci:  kepercayaan merek, sampel penilaian, niat beli


            This article study aims to measure the closeness of the multivariate relationship between brand trust (viability and intentionality dimensions) and purchase intention. The research sample consisted of 60 participants who consumed green tea drinks in the Menganti village, through a judgment sample approach (Cooper & Emory, 2013). The hottelings model has a dominant contribution to the multivariate correlation coefficient r between the other two models, namely (55.49%), (124.7%), (44.50%). It was explained that the dimension of intentionality parameter (x2) has a dominant multivariate correlation coefficient r (13.4%), compared to the viability dimension parameter (x1) which has a multivariate r correlation coefficient (1%), this is supported by eigenvalues analysis which concludes that there are There is a strong correlation between the brand trust observation parameters and the purchase intention observation parameters (74.4%). This is in line with research by Fang, Chiu and Wang, (2011) which revealed that there is a positive relationship between brand trust and repurchase intention. H1 and H2 research can be accepted empirically.

Keywords:  brand trust; assessment samples; purchase intention


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