APC's |
General Requirements
Spesific Requirements
Title of Article (Times New Roman, 16, Bold, 1 Space, Center, Capitalized Each Word)
The title of article is written concisely, describing the value of the novelty of the research and the number of words for the title is no more than 15 words.
Author Name, Author Affiliation (Times New Roman, 12, 1 Space, Center, Capitalized Each Word)
Author's name is written in full without academic title and position, lecturer affiliation consists of: study program name, faculty name, university name, and university's full address, as well as the correspondent author's email. Author affiliations other than lecturers and addresses adjust.
Abstract (Times New Roman 12, Bold, 1 Space)
Abstract contains: (1). Background (brief); (2). Research objectives and/or scope; (3). The method used (brief); (4). Summary of results/findings; (5). Conclusion. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English using a 12px font. Times New Roman. Abstract does not exceed 150 words. Abstract is written using 1 space. Manuscripts written in Indonesian begin with an abstract (abstract in English), manuscripts written in English begin with an abstract (abstract in Indonesian). Abstract consists of only 1 paragraph. Abstract accompanied by 3-5 keywords that represent the contents of the manuscript.
Introduction (Times New Roman 12, Bold, Uppercase, Justify)
The introduction consists of 6 paragraphs, and each paragraph consists of 3-5 sentences. The first paragraph describes the relevant general background, philosophical basis, juridical basis and/or sociological basis which is relevant to the research. The second paragraph describes the state of the art (literature review of previous similar studies) which is the basis for justifying contributions, and the novelty of the research, (there must be a gap analysis) followed by a novelty statement (conclusion of similarities and differences with previous research). The third paragraph contains the urgency of the research, fourth paragraph the legal issues/issues that are the focus of the research, fifth paragraph the research methods used and sixth paragraph the research objectives written in a straightforward and clear manner (not using the sentence: "Based on this background, the purpose of this research...).
Writing the beginning of the sentence for each paragraph in the text is indented to the right 5 beats, with 1.5 spacing, 12px font. Times New Roman. Formulation of legal problems/issues is written in paragraph format, not using numbering or bullets.
Results and Discussion (Times New Roman 12, Bold, Uppercase, Justify)
The results and discussion chapter does not contain conceptual definitions, points, descriptions of types, descriptions of various concepts, complete excerpts of articles and/or paragraphs, and raw data. The results and discussion chapter contains at least: (1). The what/how element in the form of a table/figure (choose one) accompanied by a name at the top of the table and an explanation of the table data. This section also describes the findings after the table. (2). The why element describes the relationship between the findings (research results) and the basic concepts and/or hypotheses. The discussion must be supported by real and clear facts. (3) the what else element describes the suitability and/or conflict with other studies. Each element section can consist of several paragraphs, but there must be a difference from one element to another.
Each answer to the legal problem/issue formulated is discussed in a different sub-chapter, with 1.5 spacing, 12px font. Times New Roman. Writing the beginning of the sentence of each paragraph is thrust to the right 5 beats.
Conclusion (Times New Roman 12, Bold, Uppercase, Justify)
The conclusion contains a brief answer to the problem, emphasizing the novelty and urgency of research (still needs to contain new descriptions/discussions).
Conclusions are made in paragraph form and do not use numbering or bullets. The number of conclusions is adjusted to the number of discussion chapters on the formulated problem.
Suggestions (if any) (Times New Roman 12, Bold, Uppercase, Justify)
Authors should provide suggestions (recommendations) that are relevant to relevant legal issues/issues. Suggestions can be made in paragraph form without using numbering or bullets.
Bibliography (Times New Roman 12, Bold, Uppercase, Justify)
The bibliography is classified into journals and proceedings (primary libraries), as well as other libraries sourced from the internet, theses/thesis/dissertations or books, with a minimum number of 30 bibliography that have been published for no more than 5 years. The primary library is at least 80% of the total library used. Names in the bibliography are written without title and academic position. The list of references that is loaded is the one cited in the manuscript. Yurispruden: Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang uses the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note) in writing references arranged alphabetically, and the author is required to use . For more complete information, see the template. Templates can be download in .
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Yurispruden: Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang by Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang is licensed under CC BY 4.0