Journal History

Since 2021-10-16 using histats; 2021-10-22 Changes to Author Guidelines and Templates starting Volume 5 Number 1. Changes consist of (1) substance and format of the journal, (2) addition of headers, (3) addition of DOI; 2022-10-03 Since Volume 5 Number 1 Yurispruden: Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang is accredited with a sinta 3 rating based on the Decree of the Director General of DIKTI RISTEK of the Ministry of Education, Culture, RIset and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 204/E/KPT/2022 concerning the Accreditation Rating of Scientific Journals for Period II of 2022; 2022-12-17 Yurispruden: Journal of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University migrated to OJS 3; 2023-01-20 Changes to Author Guidelines and Templates starting Vol 6 No 2. The changes consist of (1) affirmation of the author's obligation to add a juridical philosophical foundation, and / or sociological (2) literature review or previous research/review in the background, (3) changes in the use of the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition reference style (full note), (4) the author's obligation to use the ZOTERO reference management application. (5) change the font size of the title, (6) add citations at the beginning of the manuscript, (7) add the study program to the author's affiliation identity, and (8) complete the journal name in the manuscript heading section. 2024-04-28 The application submitted for Yurispruden; Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Malang on 26 January 2024 has been accepted for inclusion in DOAJ.